Monday, December 20, 2010

Prepare For The New Year

As Christmas fast approaches and the winter prepares to get underway I cannot help thinking about the relevance that this time of the year has to the beginning of the next. This is a time for reflection on the year past and preparation for the year to come. It is a time to relax, enjoy family and friends, while recharging our batteries for the Ney Year.

During this holiday season I encourage you to set down your fear, anxiety, and your pain if for even one day. Look around you, not at what you do not have or did not accomplish but look at what you do have and what you did accomplish over the years. Notice even the simplest things and write them down to remind yourself later. These are the foundation on which you can build your plans for the New Year.

Now begin to think about your resolutions and lay out your goals for the New Year. Write them down as well and write down one or two Ideas for how you will get there. Dream about success and happiness and then lay down the tracks that will get move you in that direction. However always remember that life is not about the destination but about the journey. That’s where the true rewards are discovered and where the greatest memories are built. The building blocks of life are dedication, persistence, consistency, and hard work. This applies to all areas in life including relationships and work. Do these things diligently and rewards will follow. That does not mean that there will not be hardship and failure it simply means that if you are diligent in their application you will continue to grow and reach new heights. It means that if you set your personal bar and goals high enough even if you fall short you will be amazed at where you end up.

Merry Christmas and a very happy and successful New Year to you!

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