Thursday, December 17, 2009

Discipline truly is the bridge between our goals and our accomplishments.

As I drove back to work yesterday from lunch with my sons I reviewed the conversation that we had and found in it a simple truth that applies to many different aspect of out lives. First let me share the conversation that we had or at least the summary of it.

I had given my youngest son an assignment. The assignment was to send me an e-mail describing what he thought the following quote means. The quote was “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments”. After his third answer which was not even close as he was thinking as I am sure most teenage boys would of the wrong type of discipline, I decided we would analyze it together. We looked up the word discipline and established the correct usage of the word and then proceeded to review the quote. After we had finished we laid out the order in which they came, goals, discipline, and accomplishment. It was a good conversation and we were able to apply it to his homework, chores, and other areas of life.

As I drove back to work I realized how often the misunderstanding or lack of application of this concept affects our lives. Whether in regards to weight loss, fitness, business, money, relationships, any of these and many others, are destined to failure due to a lack of the discipline required to reach our goals and experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with it.

Often times we are so bogged down with justifying our inaction or failure or simply blaming others for it that we do not take the time to analyze and except our own responsibility for what takes place in our life. I realize of course that looking into the mirror and analyzing ourselves is not easy to do and pointing the finger at ourselves when our actions or attitudes are to blame is even more difficult however it is imperative hat we do this on a regular basis.

Discipline truly is the bridge between our goals and our accomplishments. We must have the discipline to review our past year, write down our new goals, write down how we will get there, and then follow those instructions each day. Most importantly we must look into the mirror each day and ask ourselves am I doing the best I can right now, am I a positive influence on the people around me, am I giving one hundred percent towards finding a way to get to my goals instead of finding excuses why I can’t get there.

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